Sharing Stories of Legacy Through Film

Chase has teamed with, HBO and Kodak to launch The Chase Legacy Film Challenge, a contest that allows emerging filmmakers from Atlanta, Houston, Chicago and New York to share their stories about creating and preserving legacy within the African American community.

Sundance 2008
Our Judges
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Veronica J. Seale; Cast and Crew of "A Good Day to be Black & Sexy"

Veronica J. Seale & Mike Zakula (Kodak)


The Team

Filmmakers encourge to share their Legacy


Jimmy Jean-Lewis ("The Haitain" on Heros)

Jeanette McDuffie (, Dameon Pope (Matlock), Veronica J. Seale (Chase), Dorian Beach (Blackhouse)
HBO “HBO is a proud sponsor of The Chase Legacy Film Challenge and supports Chase in their endeavor to build legacies in the African-American community.”
Kodak “Kodak is proud to support the story of Legacy through film.”

HBO® is a service mark of Home Box Office, Inc.