July 2003
Week of July 25th thru August 1st


Latest Additions:
Seabiscuit is more than just the story about a horse who overcame major odds to be successful. It’s an old fashioned story of triumph that’s well-scripted and filled with excellent performances by the cast.

Reviewed by Wilson Morales
Bad Boys II
Bad Boys II is action-packed and filled with excitement. Besides the reunion of Smith & Lawrence, who bring in their “A” game, the car chase scenes alone are worth the price of admission.

Reviewed by Wilson Morales
Pirates of the Caribbean
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl has enough wit, action scenes, horror moments, and dazzling special effects and fight scenes that would place it amongst the best Pirate films ever. Not to mention one of funniest performances given by Johnny Depp.

Reviewed by Wilson Morales
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Latest Additions:
An audience pleaser at this year’s Sundance Film Festival and ready to go to wider theaters, “Camp” is solidly entertainment with a thrilling soundtrack.

Reviewed by Wilson Morales
Mondays in the Sun (Los Lunes al Sol)
Nominated for an Oscar last year for best foreign film and coming out now is Mondays in the Sun, a heartfelt story about a group of guys whose friendship gives each a peace of mind while still struggling to find work during hard times.

Reviewed by Wilson Morales
Dirty Pretty Things
A romantic thriller/existential commentary, Stephen Frears’ Dirty Pretty Things takes the viewer on a thrilling yet chilly ride through London’s seedier side of capitalism and immigrant oppression.

Reviewed by Niija Kuykendall
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